Classic Rock Night III

By YouChoose, LLC (other events)

Saturday, January 28 2017 6:00 PM 9:30 PM EST

If you attended the first Classic Rock Night on January 31, 2015, you attended an event of historical significance.  There was sax (but no sex).  There was performance art (a hot wing-eating contest). There were nearly 30 of the best Classic Rock songs chosen by people like...YOU!  Guess what?  We did it again!  

And that was a BIGGER success!  180 people showed up - more than expected.  Which meant more food was eaten.  Which meant we ran out.  Which meant a couple people were mad.  But guess what - EVERYONE was still fed and then nobody was mad.  And then we raised more than $3,500 for the Wayne Rotary.  And people were happy and ecstatic.  Because the event was BYOB, some people were even happier than others.  Kids had fun too.  That's right!  "Rock And Roll All Night" by KISS was a monster hit, sung mostly by a bunch of teen girls.  Wow, we all said.  That was awesome.

So let's tempt fate and try to replicate the fun for a Classic Rock Night III.

This family event is taking place at the perfect time in 2017.  It's during the weekend between the NFL Championships games and the Super Bowl.  It's during winter, when you're begging the gods to find something, anything to do.

This is a Wayne Rotary-sponsored event.  The net proceeds will be distributed by the Wayne Rotary to local charitable causes.  Therefore, you're coming to a cool event, singing along some of the best songs ever, and helping a super-duper-awesome cause!  

It'll work like this.  If you want the band to play your favorite Classic Rock song (defined as music from 1969-1989), just click on the TICKETS field to the left of this helpful blurb.  Buy your song.  Then go HERE and officially request it.  We'll get in touch with you then (email us: [email protected] if you don't get a response the same day).  


Song requests cost $50 each and include:

  • 1 ticket to the event for you
  • 1 dinner for you to eat
  • Your song request

Regular, non-song request tickets are $35 in advance (until January 27th) and $45 at the door. EVERY ticket includes dinner, so you don't have to buy that separately (and incur service charges on 2 different transactions when buying here online). 

Did you see that?  We're charging $10 more at the door.  Why?  Because we want to know how many people are coming so we can have enough food.  We don't want to run out, ya know.

Also, if you buy your tik at the door, you are guaranteed food.  It MAY not be the same food as everyone else, but you will get fed and you will feel good.

If you have lil' babies 12 & under, they get in for free.  That's right - FREE.  (Dinner isn't free, however. It's $15 for them.)

When you buy tickets and song requests online, you'll incur a service charge.  That money goes to the website, TicketLeap, that runs this ticketing software.  It's automatic.  We don't see any of that money.

Request your song by January 2nd.  Buy your tickets.  Go to this fun event and warm your hearts on a cold winter's night!


This is a charity event.  We'll do our best to make it awesome for you.  The music may be loud, so be prepared.  The food will be really good.  The band will be really good.  We'll give you room to dance and have a blast.  Just, it's gonna probably be loud.  Mmmkay?